Back east it isn't uncommon to have neighborhood garden exchanges. How it worked was as various plants, bulbs and perrenials in particular overcrowded a garden the excess was passed out to anyone in the neighborhood who wanted them. Better than them going to waste either by dying off due to overcrowding or into the landfill when they were thinned.
I have about 5 dozen callalilly rhizomes (bulbs to some) at the moment looking for a new home. I have mostly the scarlet red ones right now. The yellow will follow over the coming weekend. If you want them speak up in the comments or stop by.
Calla Lily's do best with morning sun and afternoon shade. They like regular water during the summer, but once established do well with light watering and tolerate drying out of the soil between waterings. Other than than feeding once in early spring is all they need for blooms all year. They do best at the back of a garden or against a wall as they will grow 4-7 feet tall!
Sometime in November I will have some traditional Iris up for grabs. These are even easier than calla's to grow and naturalize in the gardens really well. When they are ready I will drop you all a note here.
If anyone else has plants they are dividing out just drop me a note and I'll share it with the neighborhood.