Following are the weekend's highlighted issues
and events. To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monrovia
website at
and click on the crime mapping link.
Grand Theft Auto
On December 23 at 4:07 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 500 block of Hacienda regarding a stolen
vehicle. At approximately 3:00 a.m., the victims heard their car start. They
are older and did not immediately report the theft. The vehicle is a silver
Honda Accord and all of the keys are accounted. The victim is a leather
craftsman and makes knife scabards. There was a large collection of hunting
type knives in the trunk. Investigation continuing.
Driving Under the
Influence Traffic Collision - Suspect Arrested
On December 24 at 1:45 a.m., a female subject driving in the 200 block of Valle Vista drove her car into a parked
vehicle. Officers arrived and the investigation revealed she was driving under
the influence and had a suspended license for a prior DUI. No one was injured
in the collision. The driver was arrested and taken into custody.
Assault with a
Deadly Weapon / Domestic Violence - Suspect Arrested
On December 24 at 10:11 a.m., the Monrovia Police Department received a 911 call from a female resident in the 400
block of Linwood reporting her husband struck her with a firearm on the head
and held her down on their bed. The suspect allegedly held the firearm to her
head while arguing with her. The victim screamed for their 11-year- old son to
call 911, and the suspect left the bedroom. The victim then called 911, but
she did not know if her husband had left the residence. When officers arrived,
the suspect walked out of the residence with his hands in the air. The suspect
was detained and later arrested. He was served with an emergency protective
order. He later bailed out of custody. The victim was notified that the
suspect was released.
Found Property
On December 24 at 5:50 p.m., an off-duty citizen volunteer called police to report that he observed a quantity of
loose jewelry on the street at Scenic and Myrtle. An officer responded and
collected the property. There is a mix of older style gold and silver jewelry,
pearl necklaces, a gold watch with jewels, and a Bank of America lapel pin. The
property was photographed and documented. It will be held for safe keeping and
checked to see if this property matches the description of items recently
stolen in our city. Investigation continuing.
Assault With a
Deadly Weapon / Armed and Dangerous Parolee Arrested
On December 24 at 6:22 p.m., dispatch received a call from a female on a cell phone stating she was being held by a male
subject with a knife. The first call she indicated they were at a residence in
the 100 block of Spanner where her family lives. Officers responded and set up
a perimeter. She then called and indicated she was now at a business in Arcadia.
Officers checked that location, but were unable to locate the victim and
suspect. Her family members said she has been involved recently with the
father of her child and there had been friction in the family. Due to the
concern that she may be held against her will, police requested a trace on her
cell phone.
The trace on her cell phone revealed they were in Arcadia.
Arcadia Police Department located the vehicle and followed it. A Monrovia sergeant
joined with Arcadia personnel and they stopped the vehicle in the area of 5th
and Foothill. The female got out of the car and appeared unharmed. The male
refused to get out of the car and was belligerent. He had a glass bottle of alcohol
in his hand and turned in his seat and faced officers from his open door. He
raised the glass bottle as though he were going to throw it toward officers. He
told officers to shoot him. The Monrovia Sergeant activated his Taser to
control the subject, who was then taken into custody. The suspect was later determined
to have a one million dollar warrant for his arrest for kidnapping for ransom. He
was medically cleared and charged with assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer
and numerous other felony charges, along with a parole warrant and the million
dollar kidnap warrant.
Petty Theft With
Priors / Parolee at Large - Suspect Arrested
On December 24 at 7:52 p.m., dispatch received a call of a male Black subject who had just taken items from a store
and was heading north on Mayflower on foot. A detective located the suspect
running north on Mayflower then west on Maple, where he ordered him to stop. The
suspect appeared out of breath and complied. He was detained without further
incident. It was confirmed that he was a parolee at large and he had many
theft convictions with time served.
Driving Under the
Influence - Suspect Arrested
On December 25 at 1:03 a.m., a driver sped past an officer on patrol at a high rate of speed on Huntington Drive. The
officer caught up to the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. Through investigation,
the officer determined the driver was under the influence and he was arrested.
Possession of a
Controlled Substance / Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance -
Suspect Arrested
On December 25 at 3:05 a.m., officers responded to the report of a disturbance in the 500 block of West Maple. The
reporting party stated his former girlfriend had come to the house and was
outside causing a disturbance. Officers checked the area and found a female
subject hiding in the yard of the location. She gave the officers consent to
search her purse and they located a baggie containing a usable quantity of
methamphetamine. Further investigation revealed she was also under the influence
of a controlled substance. She was arrested and taken into custody.
Graffiti Bounty Program
One of the methods the Monrovia Police Department is
using to combat graffiti in the community of Monrovia is the Stop
Graffiti Bounty Program. If a citizen reports an incident of graffiti in the
City of Monrovia that leads to the arrest of the suspect, the citizen will
receive a $100 bill. Help keep Monrovia looking great!
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