Thursday, February 16, 2012

Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of February 13-15, 2012

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 433 service events, resulting in 96 investigations.  To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to for crime mapping.

Grand Theft Auto
On February 13 at 3:23 p.m., an employee from a business in the 500 block of West Huntington reported her vehicle stolen from the parking lot.  She parked her vehicle in the lot near the front of the business at 7:00 a.m.  When she returned to her vehicle at 3:00 p.m., she discovered it missing.  The vehicle is a black, 1996 Honda Accord.  The vehicle was entered into the Stolen Vehicle System and the investigation is continuing.

Attempted Vehicle Burglary
On February 13 at 6:23 p.m., an attempted vehicle burglary was reported at a condominium complex in the 700 block of South Myrtle.  The victim parked her vehicle in the bottom level parking structure at approximately 5:00 p.m.   She returned to her vehicle approximately one hour later and found that someone had attempted to smash the driver side window and had tried to pry open the passenger door.  The attempt was unsuccessful and there was no loss from inside the vehicle.  The investigation is continuing.

Residential burglary
On February 14 at 10:54 p.m., police responded to a residential burglary in the 400 block of East Olive.  The suspect entered through a doggy door.  The circuit breakers on the home were turned off, the Internet cable was pulled apart, and the only loss was an alarm clock and a cell phone charger.  Investigation continuing.

Detective Bureau Case Follow-up

Robbery Case Update - Third Suspect Arrested
On February 9 at 10:57 p.m., three male suspects robbed a male victim while he was walking in the area of Colorado and Violet.  One of the suspects hit the victim in the face, possibly with a gun, and they took a small amount of cash he had on him and his cell phone.  Officers arrived quickly and detained two of the suspects in the area of Violet and Linwood; they were arrested for robbery.  The Foothill Air Support helicopter and Irwindale Police Department's canine unit assisted with a search for the third suspect, but he was not located. 

Following up on leads, detectives served a search warrant on February 15 on two locations.  The detectives were searching for the third suspect and a weapon used in the crime.  Detectives searched both locations and the weapon was not located.  The third suspect, however, was found at one of the locations and was arrested and taken into custody.

 Tip of the Week

Don't Drink & Drive
After a few alcoholic drinks, it becomes easy to rationalize with yourself that you're okay to drive. However, it's very simple: If you're driving - don't drink!  With drinking and driving laws becoming more strict, it's easy to become over the legal limit, and the repercussions could cost you, or someone else's life.

Arrange a Ride Beforehand - Part of planning your night out should include a ride home. Arranging a ride home beforehand will mean a more relaxing night and will eliminate any chance of rationalizing that you're okay to drive home after a few drinks.

Have a Designated Driver - Arrange with a friend or family member to be the designated driver before going out. Have a friend accompany you who's not going to drink, or phone him to come get you when you are ready to be picked up.

Intervene If Someone You Know Intends to Drive Drunk - If a friend or family member has had too much to drink and insists on driving, reason with her and persuade her to hand over the keys. Be calm and explain that you will arrange a ride home for her, and that you are doing her a favor by not letting her drive drunk

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