Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday 3AM house window broken

Just an FYI. We had either a vandal, burglar or general prowler on the street late Wednesday night into early Thanksgiving morning.

At 3AM Chris in 208 heard breaking glass.  He got up and looked around with a flash light on.  He didn't see anything in his general inspection of his home.  It wasn't until daylight when they went into one of the bathrooms that they found a window broken out.

Please remember to call MPD immediately whenever you see someone somewhere on the street that doesn't belong here.  Its unclear if this incident has anything to do with the rash of home burglary's in our area the last  couple of weeks but it pays to be vigilant.

I have called MPD and talked with them asking for more late night patrols on our street.  Based on this incident they are willing to have an officer check out our street the next few nights while on patrol.

As MPD has said in their Tips of the Week, if you want to keep it lock your doors and windows.  That goes for cars too, take stuff in that you want to keep and lock it when you park it.

I've asked recently and will ask again, do you feel the need for a Neighborhood Watch meeting?  IF so sound off in the comments and I will arrange.

Frank, 225

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Due to recent comments on Nextdoor Grand Ave related to break-ins in the area, an incident that occurred on Wednesday 11/21 made me a little uneasy. At around 2pm I backed out of my driveway and as I passed the tall hedge that separates our yard from our neighbor, I noticed a young man sitting alone in a dark blue sedan. I backed further into the street, and tried to look into the car to see who it was. The young man then started the car and began driving north to Scenic turned east on Scenic, then down Canyon. I stayed behind him until the second stop sign so that I could record the car license number. I have now provided this information to Monrovia PD. As I stated, the young man did nothing other than sit in his car and I am sure the PD will be judicious in following up, but at this time it is clear we must be watchful.