Friday, May 17, 2013

Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of May 13-15, 2013

Petty Theft From a Vehicle
May 13 at 6:11 a.m., a petty theft from an unlocked vehicle that occurred in the 100 block of Acacia was reported to police.  The victim parked his vehicle in his driveway at approximately 10:30 p.m. and left it unlocked.  Unknown suspect(s) entered the vehicle overnight and took makeup, an iPad touch, a Garmin GPS, employee identification, miscellaneous tools and clothing.  The investigation is continuing.

Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
May 13 at 9:21 a.m., a traffic collision was reported in the 500 block of West Duarte Road.  An officer responded and found a solo vehicle that had crashed into several parked cars.  Further investigation determined the driver was under the influence of medications, and he was uncooperative with the officer.  The driver was arrested for driving under the influence and taken into custody. 

Traffic Violation / Outstanding Warrant – Suspect Arrested
May 15 at 11:44 a.m., an officer was working special traffic enforcement on the Office of Traffic Safety grant and made a traffic stop in the 2000 block of California on vehicle for a vehicle code violation.  A warrant check revealed the driver had multiple felony warrants for his arrest.  The driver was arrested without incident and taken to the station for booking.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
May 16 at 1:56 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle committing several vehicle code violations. The officer conducted a traffic stop at Palm and Ivy.  After further investigation, the driver was determined to be under the influence and was arrested for DUI.

Detective Bureau Case Follow-Up

In September of 2011, an on going neighbor dispute turned into a violent verbal confrontation in the 2100 block of South Myrtle Avenue.  An arrest was made of a 40-year-old male, who verbally threatened a female and her father, who owns a business in the area.  The case was continued a number of times and finally came to a plea agreement on May 7, 2013.  The suspect pled guilty and was sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Tip of the Week

“Be Bear Aware” – The Weather is Warming Up and the Bears are Back in the Foothills
May is “Be Bear Aware” Month and the Monrovia Police Department and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife want to remind the public to act responsibly when in bear country.  Spring is the time of year when California’s black bears emerge from their winter dens in search of food.  Because bears are attracted to anything edible or smelly, their search often leads them into residential neighborhoods, where trash and food is readily available.  Throughout spring and summer, CDFW receives many calls when bears break into homes and rummage through trash bins.  These bears are often labeled “nuisance” bears, but in reality they are just doing what comes naturally to them, foraging for food.

Tips for Bear-Proofing Your Home:

Bears have keen noses and can smell an easy meal from miles away. They can easily tear a front door off its hinges if they smell food left out on the kitchen counter. To protect your family and property from bear break-ins follow these simple tips:

•   Purchase and properly use a bear-proof garbage container.
•   Wait to put trash out until the morning of collection day.
•   Don’t leave trash, groceries, or animal feed in your car.
•   Keep garbage cans clean and deodorize them with bleach or ammonia.
•   Keep barbecue grills clean and stored in a garage or shed when not in use.
•   Only provide bird feeders during November through March and make them inaccessible to bears.
•   Don’t leave any scented products outside, even non-food items such as suntan lotion, insect repellent, soap or candles.
•   Keep doors and windows closed and locked.
•   Consider installing motion-detector alarms, electric fencing or motion-activated sprinklers.
•   Harvest fruit off trees as soon as it is ripe, and promptly collect fruit that falls.
•   Securely block access to potential hibernation sites such as crawl spaces under decks and buildings.

Following are some informative videos and information from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to help you “Be Bear Aware!”

The Bear Truth

Smarter than the Average Bear

Bearly Aware

Keep Me Wild - More Great Bear Facts from California Department of Fish & Wildlife:

Living with California Black Bears (From the California Department of Fish & Wildlife):

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