Thursday, July 18, 2013

Be Aware, Auto Burglary up in our area of town

Just a quick note to ya'll that we need to remain diligent with keeping our cars and homes locked if we want to keep our stuff.

An alert was sent out and the SGV News posted it on their Crime Scene Blog.  In short there has been a rash of car burglary's North of Foothill, that us.  All the cars that had stuff taken from them were UNLOCKED.  Full blog post HERE.

One last quick note, if you haven' joined NEXTDOOR yet, you should.  We are in the Grand Avenue neighborhood.  That site is full of neighbors sharing information, good, bad and indifferent.  NEXTDOOR is supported and promoted by the Monrovia Area Partnership to help build stronger neighborhoods.  If you are iPhone enabled...there is even the NEXTDOOR app that allows you to get alerts sent directly to your phone no matter where you are.


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