Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fish Fire facts and what to do

Monrovia Fire and PD are on Nixle.  They and L.A. County Sheriff have blown up my phone with notices, but its all good info.  If you haven't signed up for nixle now might be the time, do it HERE. 

For information you can also visit the Monrovia City Home Page.

Monrovia Fire has put those of us East of Myrtle and North of Greystone on alert for potential evacuation if the wind shifts.  Per Monrovia Police should evacuations be needed we will receive phone calls from them.  Let me stress that both have said they think it highly unlikely this will be needed unless there is a change in weather and wind direction.

L.A. County Sheriff and Fire were just on a press conference.  In it they said Bradbury needs to be prepared for potential evacuation. They included Monrovia in the admonition to stay close to news sources and have an evacuation plan and belongings gathered  in the event evacuations  are needed.  Again they stress be prepared but the likelihood is highly unlikely.

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