A couple of things. It was brought up at the meeting some think the rash of burglary's last month may be connected to the construction on two of the homes. Officer Percy explained not likely. I asked one of our sergeants for a bit more detail on why likely not.
Our burglary's were late night, early morning hours when the construction workers were not present. Is it possible that one of the employees came back afterwards? Maybe, not likely. Our auto burglary were crimes of opportunity. Burglars know we are lax in the foothills with basic security like locking doors and leaving things in our cars and purposefully walk the neighborhoods at night checking for unlocked doors. (Arcadia Police whom I rode with recently echoed exactly the same thoughts).
If you see people looking around the day that should be here make note of it and report it. Same goes for night.
Officer Percy ran out of the plastic registration packets at our meeting. I picked up a few extra for anyone who wants one. Drop me a note here or stop by.
MPOA is making available to anyone who wants one a nifty "We support our police" yard sign. Drop me a note here or call me and I can arrange to have one dropped by your home for display.
Renee sent out the email last night with the neighborhood roster for anyone who wanted it. If you didn't get your copy and want one let us know.
Roberto, I'm in the process of checking with the city to find out costs (who bears them) and process of getting additional street lights on the street.
Frank & Renee
Ps...Contrary to a rumor going around I do NOT ever plan on running for office. IF you hear it quash it. I've been asked and turned it down earlier this year-frank