Tuesday, March 24, 2015

And the Survey says....

I couldn't resist, but unless you are living under a rock Arcadia has been overrun with McMansions - home overbuilt for the lot to the point its a pretty disgusting mess.  The issue is a hot button here in Monrovia. Citizens want to maintain character and quality of life.  Developers...well they just want to make a buck and will raze historic homes and neighborhoods to do it.

We've already had a couple of folks approached to sell their home sight unseen by folks more interested in razing than preserving on our street.  Other streets aren't so lucky and a few McMansions were built with historic homes have been lost.

A few weeks back a moratorium was placed in tear downs and a lot of home sales suddenly fell out of escrow. That tells us that the urge to tear and McMansion is more prevelant than most suspected.

During the moratorium the city has a panel of folks looking at how to preserve our character but allow homeowners to add space when they need it.  A daunting task as one would guess.  To help them craft the guidelines for the city there is a Poll out on the topic.  Please take a few minutes to answer the questions, give your thoughts on the topic so the group can consider options.


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